Our cleaning process is suitable for a range of different types of rugs including:

Oriental rugs

Area rugs

Cotton rugs

All man made fibres


*if you’re not sure if your rug can be cleaned, please don’t hesitate to call us

It will generally take 10 days from start to finish to thoroughly clean your rug to our high standards as we need to go through each step of our cleaning process outlined on the ‘cleaning procedure’ page of the web site. We tend to have ‘Dusting days’ and ‘Washing days’ for example separate. So one day we will spend the whole day ‘Dusting’ any number of rugs and then the following day will spend the whole day washing so as not to rush any single process leaving margins for error.

We can treat your rug with a moth repellent product which actually makes the fibres taste awful to the moth larvae therefore you will not have any further problems.

We can guarantee that it will be thoroughly washed and cleaned to a standard that cannot be equalled, but unfortunately some staining will not remove. Mainly hot tea or coffee, or anything that has any dyes or colouring in such as take away curries, fizzy drinks such as lucozade etc.

Yes, we can remove soot deposits and odours for fire damaged rugs. We can also clean and reshape water damaged rugs. We can resolve many dye bleeding issues depending on the severity.

We are fully insured and we also guarantee that if you are not satisfied with the standard of our cleaning we would not expect you to pay a penny. I wouldn’t pay for something I am not happy with and certainly wouldn’t expect our clients to either.Accordion Content

We have had some great successes with this issue in the past. Especially if the colours have ran in to an ivory from a red for example. We have a great dye removal product which lightens as it dries. On some occasions unfortunately it will be permanent but we will always be prepared to try.